ETL job development steps in Informatica
- Open Informatica power center designer
- Add a repository
- Click on “Repository -> Add”
- Enter a repository and username
- Click on ok
- Connect to a repository
- Right click on created repository
- Click on connect
- Click on Add under “Connection Settings” section
- Enter value for “Domain name”, “Gateway Host” and “Gateway port”
- Click on Ok
- Select the security domain
- Enter password
- Click on connect
- Connect to a folder
- Right click on folder which you want to work
- Click on Open
- Creating “Source Analyzer”
- Click on “Source Analyzer” icon
- Click on Sources from toolbar and select “Import from Database” or “Import from file”
- Select “data source”
- Enter username, schema, and password
- Click on connect
- You can see the list of tables under “Select Tables” section
- Select a table
- Click on ok
- Creating “Target Designer”
- Click on “Target Designer” icon
- Click on Targets from toolbar and select “Import from Database”
- Select “data source”
- Enter username, schema, and password
- Click on connect
- You can see the list of tables under “Select Tables” section
- Select a table
- Click on ok
- Creating Mappings
- Click on “Mapping Designer” icon
- Click on Mappings from toolbar and select “Create”
- Enter mapping name and click ok
- Drag and drop the created Source Analyzer and Target Designer
- Click on Transformation from toolbar and select “Create”
- Select type of transformation
- Enter the name for transformation
- Select the columns from source and drag into transformation component
- Double click on transformation
- Creating Workflow
- Click on “Workflow Manager” icon
- Connect to the repository
- Right click on folder and select Open
- Click on “task” from toolbar and select create
- Select the task type as “Session”
- Enter session name
- Click on Ok
- Select the created mapping and click ok
- Double click on Session
- Click on Mapping tab
- Select the source table
- Set source database connections under “connections” section
- Select the target table
- Set target database connections under “connections” section
- Link the Start task and session task
- Running Workflow
- In workflow Designer section, right click on workflow and select “Start workflow”
- Monitoring Workflow
- “Workflow monitor” will be opened automatically when we start a workflow
- The execution status will be displayed
- Double click on the session
- Session information including Source/Target statistics will be displayed