Team work between testers and developers is crucial for successfully deploying and maintaining a high quality software product. Here are a few ways to reduce friction and increase collaboration between testing team and developers:
1) Encourage Collaboration and Communication
Promote a collaborative work culture where quality is everyone’s responsibly. Get testers and developers to work together while researching about customers, building user stories, and creating unit tests. Inculcate a team culture of collaboration where testers are more than mere gatekeepers who approve or disapprove features before delivery.
Encourage both QA and developers to share their thoughts and ideas. Make everyone feel a part of a single integrated team that is focused on the product’s quality. Apart from arranging meetings, encourage both testers and developers to take the initiative to interact more often using informal channels. Relying too much on formal channels like e-mails to communicate not only wastes time but also discourages open communication and delays resolution of conflicts. Better communication incites more collaboration.