Mockito – Java Framework, similar to MRUnit for unit
testing Hadoop Map reduce jobs.
PigUnit – Java framework that helps developers unit test Pig
HiveRunner – An Open Source unit test framework for
hadoop hivequeries based on JUnit4
Beetest – Unit Testing Framework for Hive Queries
Hive_test – Another Open source unit testing framework for Hive
HBaseTestingUtility – Java API for HBase Mini-cluster
and we can use this along with Junit/Mockito/MRUnit frameworks to unit test
Hbase Applications.
QuerySurge – Test tool built to automate Data Warehouse testing
and the ETL Testing process. JDBC-compliant db, DWH, DMart, flat file, XML,
There are no automation tools or frameworks available for Flume,
sqoop and oozie unit testing yet. These need to be tested manually.