Appium is an open source tool which is useful
in testing of Native Apps,Hybrid Apps and Mobile Web Apps.By using Appium you
can automate Android ,IOS and Mobile Web applications
with the help of many languages.
2.What are the drivers supported in Appium?
Appium support two drivers to Automate the
apps in different platforms,i.e Android driver and IOS Driver.
3.What are Native Apps?
Native apps which is developed by Android SDK
and IOS platform ,for examples we are using daily purpose apps are What's
Up,ICICI Direct,Google Duos(Video Calling).
4.What are Hybrid Apps?
Hybrid apps are web applications in the
native browser,such as UIWebView and webView.Hybrid apps are developed using
HTML,CSS and Javascript & then wrapped in a native applications using
web content projects like PhoneGap,Cardova etc.
5.What are Mobile Web View apps?
Mobile Web view apps those are which is
working in mobile borwser i.w Google Chrome in our Smart Phones,Safari browser
in IPhone,For example Blogger, etc apps.
6.Which languages supported by Appium to prepare Test Scripts in
Appium supports 6 programming languages those
The above mention languages it will support
for creating Selenium Test scripts for Automate Mobile apps.
7.Appium pre requisite to use for Automation?
Appium pre requires before creating the test
scripts for Mobile apps i.e
1.Android SDK Should be installed in your
2.Java should be installed ,set up environment
3.Set up Enviroonment variables for Android
4.Development Tool ex:Eclipse IDE
5.Selenium language Bindings
6.Appium for windows.exe file
7.Install node.js
8.Test Framework ex:Test NG
9.APK file which is install in your
8.What are the Advantages of using Appium?
Appium provide flexibility to write tests
against multiple mobile platforms.
APPIUM test scripts can run using any
language(java,ruby,javascript,C#,Python and PHP) or test framework.
APPIUM is a open source automate mobile tool
which is very easy to create the scripts and run the scripts in Mobile
9.What are the limitations of Appium?
1.Appium will not support multiple session
2.Appium will not work lower than android
version 4.2
3.Unable to run test scripts in Microsoft
Windows platform.
10.Explain the architecture of Appium
When you download the Appium server i.e
Appium.exe file it will automatically download Node.js where server code is
written in Node.js.Appium is a client/Server architecture where it is a HTTP
webserver where web server is a REST API which is written in Node.js
language.When you implements the scripts in Selenium Webdriver,when you run the
test script it will hit the Appium server ,from APPIUM server requests is
sending to Mobile App/Emulators and it will works as your web app which is
identify the elements with DOM .
REST API perform below steps
API receives connection from WebDriver Client
2.Listen Commands
3.Execute those commands in Mobile App/Emulators sends request status i.e Execution status to Client.
11.How you will configure APPIUM in Android platform?
1: Install Appium for windows(32 bit/64
bit)I.E Desktop client.
2:Install node.js
3:Install Microsoft .net
4:Install Android SDK
5:Set Up Java Environment Variables
6:Now Install Appium exe file
7:Install in desktop as well as Mobile
Devices /Tablets
12.How you will configure APPIUM in IOS Platform?
Mac OS version should be Mac OSX 10.7+
1:Install Jdk,Set up Environment Variables
2:Install Appium for Mac OS
3:Install Node.js
4:Install XCode4.5 or Higher Version
5:Iphone Simulator SDK
6:Command line tools
13.What is Appium Inspector?
Appium inspector is a option in Appium which
is displays in Appium server window and it is useful in identifying the
elements in mobile app same like selenium ide to identify the elements in a
webpage.In windows it will not work in windows platform.Note:Before running
Appium server just select Pre launch application check box in General
Settings to get screen shot which is open in Mobile App.Appium Inspector which is
used to record and playback the scripts.
14.What is UIAutomator?
UiAutomator comes with Android SDK package
which is displays under tools folder I.E C:\Program Files
(x86)\Android\android-sdk\tools Which is used to identify elements locators
same as Selenium Locators id,name,css,linktext etc.UIAutomator is a tool which
is used to inspect UI of an apps in order to find the layout hierarchy.While
creating the script it is very useful in finding elements locators such as id
and other attributes of an element.Element details displays in Node Details
15.What are the requirements while writing the scripts in
Whlie preparing the Test Script for Mobile
App in Appium ,we require below components those are
1.Driver Client:
Such as Android driver , IOS driver which is
useful in sending requests to Appium server in order to run the test scripts
for Mobile Applications.
2.Appium Session :
In APPIUM all the commands are executed in the
context of a Session.This session is useful in JSON objects call the
capabilities in order to send same response with
the same session for sending further commands.
3.Desired Capabilities:
Desired Capabilities are commands which is
sent by the Client to the Appium Server(WebDerver) via REST
application/JSON by generated APPIUM Session and some of the
desired capabilities are
platformName,deviceName,platformVersion etc.
16.What is the default server and port number in APPIUM?
Appium default server address is
Appium default server port is :4723
17.Write Sample script to open app in Appium
//First Create DesiredCapabilities object
DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new
//Now set Device Name
//Now set Browser name
//Now set Platform
//Nowset Android Version
//Now Set app package
//Now set launch activity
//Now set URL to access the node server using
Android Driver
driver = new AndroidDriver(new