RoadMap To Become An Automation Tester/SDET

 The road to becoming an automation tester involves building a strong foundation in software testing concepts, learning at least one programming language, and familiarizing yourself with automation tools. Here's a roadmap to get you started:

1. Grasp Software Testing Fundamentals:

  • Understand the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and where testing fits in.
  • Learn about different testing methodologies like black-box testing, white-box testing, and exploratory testing.
  • Get familiar with bug life cycle and defect management tools like Jira.

2. Pick Up a Programming Language:

  • While not mandatory, being comfortable with code is a big plus. Languages like Python, Java, JavaScript, or C# are popular choices for automation testing.
  • Start with the basics of variables, data structures, control flow, and functions.
  • There are many online courses and tutorials available to help you learn.

3. Dive into Automation Tools:

  • Popular tools for web application testing include Selenium, Cypress, and Playwright.
  • For mobile app testing, you can explore Appium or Espresso.
  • If you're interested in API testing, tools like Postman or RestAssured are helpful.
  • Each tool has its own learning curve, so start with one that interests you and gradually expand your knowledge.

4. Additional Skills:

  • Familiarity with version control systems like Git is beneficial.
  • Learn about CI/CD pipelines and how automated testing integrates with them.
  • Having a basic understanding of databases (SQL) can be helpful in certain testing scenarios.

5. Certifications (Optional):

  • While not essential, certifications like ISTQB Certified Tester - Test Automation Engineer or Certified Software Test Professional (CSTE) can validate your skills and make you a more attractive candidate.

6. Build a Portfolio:

  • Create personal projects to showcase your automation testing skills.
  • You can contribute to open-source automation frameworks on GitHub.
  • Build a simple automation script for a web or mobile application.

7. Stay Updated:

  • The automation testing landscape keeps evolving, so stay updated with new tools, frameworks, and trends.


  • Online courses on platforms like Coursera, Udemy, or edX.
  • Tutorials and documentation for specific automation testing tools.
  • YouTube channels with video tutorials on automation testing.
