Docker Commands


Basic Commands

1.      docker version

    • Displays the Docker version installed on the system.

2.     docker -v

    • Short form of docker version. It shows the Docker version.

3.     docker info

    • Provides detailed information about the Docker installation.

4.    docker --help

    • Displays general help information.
    • Example: To get information about specific commands:
      • docker images --help: Details about managing images.
      • docker run --help: Details about running containers.

5.    docker login

    • Logs into a Docker registry, such as Docker Hub. Used for push or pull docker images from Docker Hub.

Images Commands

6.    docker images

    • Lists all the Docker images present on the machine.

7.     docker pull

8.    docker rmi

    • Removes Docker images.
      • docker images -q: Lists image IDs.
      • docker rmi <image ID>: Deletes the specified image.
      • After deletion, confirm with docker images.

 Container Commands

9.    docker ps & docker run

    • docker ps: Lists running containers.
    • docker run <image>: Creates a container from a specified image. If local image is not available then it will pull from Docker Hub automatically.
      • Example: docker run ubuntu.
      • Example: docker run -it ubuntu   //For interaction

10.  docker start

    • Starts a stopped container.
      • Example: docker start <container id>.

11.    docker stop

    • Stops a running container.
      • Example: docker stop <container id>.

12.   docker rm

    • Removes a container.
      • Example: docker rm <container id or name>.


System Commands

12.   docker stats

    • Provides resource usage statistics for running containers, such as CPU, memory, etc.

13.   docker system df

    • Displays disk usage related to Docker.

14.  docker system prune

    • Cleans up unused data, such as stopped containers.
      • docker system prune -f: Forcefully removes all stopped containers.

These commands form the basic toolkit for managing Docker containers and images, as well as maintaining the Docker environment.
