1. Creating a Branch
To create a
new branch, you use the git branch command
followed by the name of the new branch.
git branch feature-branch
This command creates a new
branch named feature-branch but
doesn't switch to it yet.
2. Switching Branches
To switch
to a different branch, you use the git checkout command
followed by the name of the branch.
git checkout feature-branch
This command switches to the
feature-branch so that
any changes made will be applied to that branch.
3. Creating and Switching to
a New Branch Simultaneously
You can
create and switch to a new branch in a single command using git
checkout -b.
git checkout -b new-feature
This command creates a new
branch named new-feature and
switches to it.
4. Listing Branches
You can
list all branches in your repository using the git branch command.
git branch
This command will list all
branches, with an asterisk (*) indicating the current branch.
5. Merging Branches
Once you've
made changes in a branch and want to incorporate those changes into another
branch (usually the main branch), you perform a merge. For example, if you're
on the feature-branch and want
to merge it into main:
git checkout main
git merge feature-branch
This will merge the changes
from feature-branch into main.
6. Deleting Branches
merging a branch into another branch, you might want to delete the now-merged
branch. You can do this using the -d flag with git branch.
git branch -d feature-branch
This will delete the feature-branch.
Example Scenario:
Let's say
you're working on a new feature for a project. You create a new branch called new-feature:
git checkout -b new-feature
You make changes to the
code, commit them:
git add .
git commit -m "Implemented
new feature"
Then, you switch back to the
main branch and merge your changes:
git checkout main
git merge new-feature
Finally, you delete the new-feature branch
since it's no longer needed:
git branch -d new-feature
This workflow allows you to
keep your main branch clean and stable while working on new features or bug
fixes in separate branches.