Selenium with Python Interview Questions

 1.What is Selenium?

Selenium is a popular open-source automation testing tool that is used to automate web browsers.

2.What programming languages are supported by Selenium?
Selenium supports a wide range of programming languages such as Java, Python, C#, JavaScript, and more.

3.Why is Python a popular choice for Selenium automation?
Python is a popular choice for Selenium automation because it is easy to learn, has a simple syntax, and has a rich set of libraries and frameworks.

4.What are the different types of web drivers in Selenium?
Selenium supports different types of web drivers such as ChromeDriver, GeckoDriver, EdgeDriver, SafariDriver, and more.

5.How do you launch a browser using Selenium with Python?
To launch a browser using Selenium with Python, import the WebDriver module and use the desired driver (e.g., ChromeDriver) to instantiate a new instance of the browser.

6.How do you locate web elements using Selenium with Python?
Web elements can be located using various methods such as find_element_by_id(), find_element_by_name(), find_element_by_xpath(), and more.

7.What is the difference between find_element() and find_elements() in Selenium with Python?
find_element() returns the first matching web element, while find_elements() returns a list of all matching web elements.

8.How do you interact with web elements using Selenium with Python?
Web elements can be interacted with using various methods such as click(), send_keys(), clear(), and more.

9.How do you handle alerts using Selenium with Python?
Alerts can be handled using the switch_to.alert() method, which allows you to accept, dismiss, or send text to an alert.

10.How do you handle frames using Selenium with Python?
Frames can be handled using the switch_to.frame() method, which allows you to switch to a specific frame by index, name, or web element.

11.What is the purpose of implicit and explicit waits in Selenium with Python?
Implicit waits are used to wait for a certain amount of time before executing the next command, while explicit waits are used to wait for a specific condition to be met.

12.How do you take screenshots using Selenium with Python?
Screenshots can be taken using the get_screenshot_as_file() or get_screenshot_as_base64() methods.

13.How do you handle dropdowns using Selenium with Python?
Dropdowns can be handled using the Select class, which provides methods such as select_by_value(), select_by_index(), select_by_visible_text(), and more.

14.How do you handle checkboxes and radio buttons using Selenium with Python?
Checkboxes and radio buttons can be handled using the click() method.

15.How do you navigate to different pages using Selenium with Python?
Pages can be navigated using the get() method, which allows you to navigate to a specific URL.

16.How do you handle cookies using Selenium with Python?
Cookies can be handled using the get_cookies() and add_cookie() methods.

17.What is the difference between get() and navigate() methods in Selenium with Python?
get() method loads a new web page in the current browser window, while navigate() method is used to navigate back and forth between web pages in the browser history.

18.How do you switch between windows using Selenium with Python?
Windows can be switched using the switch_to.window() method.

19.How do you handle browser alerts using Selenium with Python?
Browser alerts can be handled using the switch_to.alert() method.

20.How do you handle multiple tabs in a browser using Selenium with Python?
Multiple tabs can be handled using the window_handles and switch_to.window() methods.

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