- ls
- pwd
- ln
- head
- tail
- cal
- ps
- kill
- who
- whoami
- uptime
- ut
ls : This command displays files and directories in columnar format.
$ ls
$ ls -S
Aarrange the files based on the size(S is upper letter)
Aarrange the files based on the size(S is upper letter)
$ ls -l
long listing the files
long listing the files
$ ls -a
Displays hidden files
Displays hidden files
$ ls -i
Displays inodes for each file
Displays inodes for each file
creating a hidden file:
$ cat >.employee.txt
Wild card characters using with ls command.
? Represents single character
* Represents gruop of characters
[ ] Represents searching pattern
$ ls ? Displays files with one letter
$ ls x* Displays files which are starting with 'x'
$ ls ??? Displays files with 3 letters
$ ls *.out Displays all the files with extension 'out'
$ ls [a-z] Displays single character files which are from a to z
$ ls [a-z]* Displays files starting with a to z
$ rm ? Removes the files with single character
$ rm *.c Removes the files with extension 'c'
$ cp ? chennai Single digit files will be copied into directory 'chennai'
pwd : This command shows current working directory in unix
$ pwd
head : Used to display First lines of the file
$ head -n filename
$ head paypal.txt
This command dispalys default 10 lines of the file paypal.txt
$ head -n15 paypal.txt
This command displays 15 lines of the file paypal.txt
$ head -n3 paypal.txt
This command displays 3 lines of the file paypal.txt
tail : Used to display last lines of the file.
$ tail paypal.txt
This command displays default last 9 lines.
$ tail -n5 paypal.txt
This command displays last 4 lines of the file.
$ tail -n15 paypal.txt
This command displays last 14 lines of the file.
cal command: Used for display the calender.
$ cal
$ cal [Month No] [Year]
$ cal 2011 Displays 2011 calender
$ cal 2 2011 Displays Feb month in 2011 year
ln :
1.This will create link between 2 files.(2nd file should new one)
2. If one file modified another one affected.
$ln paypal.txt funpal.txt
ps : Knowing backgroud process running /stopped
$ ps pid
kill : Used for terminating the process
$ kill pid
who : Used for to display who are working in the system
whoami: Display my user name/accout
$ whoami
uptime: This command used for display load in the server.
$ uptime
ut: displays current unix time
advance_date : Used to time forward the unix server.
$ advance_date
reset_time.py : Used to reset time and date in unix server.
$ reset_time.py